Anne & Françoise Groben Prize
Important figures in the Luxembourg musical scene, the Groben sisters, Anne (violin) and Françoise (cello) were among the founder members of the Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra, before their tragic deaths. Their memory is very much alive for many people in Luxembourg.
In 2017, the Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra created a prize for young instrumentalists and singers in their memory. The objective of this competition is to value an unparallelled artistic personality as well as offering an exceptional platform to talented young people. It is open to candidates of all nationalities, aged between 15 and 25 (15 and 30 in the case of singers), coming from one of the musical teaching establishments of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. This competition is a veritable springboard, open to all musicians with the minimum level of a ‘premier prix’ diploma from one of the Luxembourg music conservatoires.
All the finalists will receive a prize determined by a jury composed of representative experts in the musical field.
• First Prize, the "Grand Prix Anne and Françoise Groben", to a value of 10 000 €, offered by the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte. The winner will also be offered a concert with the OCL. They will therefore have the opportunity to launch their professional career and make a name for themselves in the international musical world.
• The musicians of the orchestra will vote for the "Special Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra Prize", to the value of 2 000 €.
• The remaining finalists will each receive a prize of 1 000 €.
• The "Audience Prize" amounts to 500 €.
After an initial paper selection, a dozen talented people were invited to compete at the City of Luxembourg conservatoire on 29 and 30 April, and five of them were chosen for the final, accompanied by the OCL, in the Grand Auditorium of the Luxembourg Philharmonie. As with Benjamin Kruithof – first winner of the Anne and Françoise Groben Prize in 2017, and first prize winner of the George Enescu competition in 2022, to mention only these awards – whom the OCL welcomed as soloist last year for an exuberant cello concerto, this competition promises a colourful selection of future professionals of the musical world.

Benjamin Kruithof
Grand Prix remis par Fonds stARTup de l'Oeuvre de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, Prix du Public et Prix de l’Orchestre.
L'édition 2017 a également reçu le soutien du Rotary Club d'Esch-sur-Alzette, de la BGL BNP Paribas et du PwC.

« Grand Prix » doté de 10 000€ offert par l'Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte

Doté de 2 000 €, offert par l'Orchestre de Chambre du Luxembourg

Doté de 500 €
Yanis Grisó, Isabelle Kruithof, Christophe Pütz, Colin Toniello
Doté de 1 000 €
Isabelle Kruithof a reçu le Prix Finaliste remis par le Rotary Club Esch Bassin Minier.